Giving to ABC

Investing in the Advance of the Gospel

“Appalachian Bible College exists by God’s grace and for His glory to educate and equip servants for the Church of tomorrow while edifying the Church of today.” This is the mission of ABC, and by God’s grace and the faithful partnering of people like you we have seen this mission succeed. Our alumni are now around the world—in the mission field, in churches, in schools, in camps, in homes— faithfully serving the Lord and sharing the gospel. Will you be a part of seeing this mission continue?

As ABC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, all gifts are tax deductible.

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img campus visit testimonial

The Lord’s provision was a lesson I learned from a very young age, but this lesson was going to be put to the test as I embarked on my college journey. As an international student there are many unknowns; one of the greatest unknowns for me was finances. I was starting college with the knowledge that I would have to trust God for every last penny. The Lord has provided through many different ways, the biggest being scholarships through people giving to ABC! I am so thankful for the Lord’s provision through people I have never met. It is amazing how he works through so many different people!

Meaghan, 2020 Scholarship Recipient
img testimonial Kevin Gullion

Over the course of my service at ABC, I have been able to personally witness the generosity of God’s people and am blessed and humbled by their faithful giving. I have also felt a sense of connection as I communicate about what God is doing here on campus and as I sometimes receive prayer requests and praises in return! Whether from a church or an individual, large or small, each donation makes a difference.

Kevin Gullion, ABF missionary since 2015
img testimonial zach

Receiving the scholarship during chapel was a massive blessing to me! Going into my junior year, I was unsure of how I would provide the funds for my college tuition; however, God reassured me early on that He would make a path for me to return to ABC, if it was in His will.

Zach, 2019 Scholarship Recipient
img testimonial Karisa Clark

Our ministry’s supporters provide a continual reminder to me: this is God’s work! He provides for it and he brings fruit from it. I truly look forward to the day when we gather in his presence and rejoice together over the harvest, like John 4:36 says. Thank you to everyone who gives generously!

Karisa Clark, ABF missionary since 2015
img testimonial Dave Holloway

We are sincerely grateful for the many donors that have partnered with us and our mission of impacting lives for the glory of God through camp ministry. The impact of donations has been instrumental for Alpine Ministries to provide the best experience for our campers in adventure recreation. Alpine through the years has literally seen hundreds of young people come to Christ. What better way to invest in the next generation as your donated dollars return eternal benefits?

Dave Holloway, Director of Alpine Bible Camp

What can I give toward?

ABC has a variety of funds and ministries that can put your support to use for gospel ministry. Key areas of our ministry include the following:

General Fund

Choosing this fund will ensure that your gift is going directly to the immediate needs of ABC. This fund helps keep our ministry running while keeping student costs as low as possible.


Your gift to the Student Servant Scholarship (SSS) fund will go straight to our students through scholarships ABC offers such as Merit, Scholastic Achievement, Clifford Gross Faithful Servant, and many more!

Appalachian Bible Fellowship

Over two-thirds of our staff and faculty serve as missionaries, sent by local churches and supported with prayer and contributions by churches and individuals. The mission agency of ABC is Appalachian Bible Fellowship (ABF), a member of the Fellowship of Missions (FOM).

When giving to our missionaries, you can give to the ABF General Missionary Fund or select a particular missionary you would like to support.

Alpine Ministries

Alpine Ministries is an extension ministry of ABC. This “camp on campus” offers year-round Bible camps, retreats, and adventure outings that bring a Biblical focus to outdoor activity.

Mount Olive Bible College

Mount Olive Bible College (MOBC) is a fully-accredited additional location of ABC located inside the Mount Olive Correctional Complex, a maximum-security prison in the hills of West Virginia.

Please visit our MOBC page to read more about this amazing ministry.

Ways to Give

There are several ways you can support ABC. Choose whichever method is most convenient for you! You can also opt-in to receive your receipt and gift acknowledgement quickly and conveniently via email.


“Laying up treasures” through online donations is safe and secure, both on earth and in heaven. Make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift.

Give Online

By Planned Giving

Begin a legacy of eternal value by supporting ABC through a trust or will, charitable gift annuities, gifts of real estate, or tax-deferred retirement assets; these are popular because of their financial flexibility and tax benefits. With a planned gift, you can give in a way that is secure, meaningful, and suitable for your long-term financial goals. Please email if you are interested in these long-term giving options.

By Mail

Make checks out to Appalachian Bible College and write the fund or missionary name in the memo line. Send your gift to:

Donor Services – Appalachian Bible College
161 College Dr.
Mount Hope, WV 25880

To save on time and paper, fill out the quick form below to receive your gift acknowledgements through email.

E-Receipt Form

Create a Scholarship

Every April, ABC celebrates the grace of God in an Awards Chapel. Over thirty students are surprised with scholarships that answer their prayers, build their faith, and allow them to continue ministry training the next year. The problem is that there are more worthy students than there are scholarships.

Fill out the form below if you are interested in creating a scholarship with ABC and we will contact you with further information.

Scholarship Interest Form

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